The importance of a voice goes way beyond one's ability to speak eloquently, sharply or with great gusto. It lies more in the wake of the purpose of that voice. Individuality being of the essence and purpose being the force behind our speech.
I suppose the same goes for written word, art in many mediums and even photography and film. There is an attitude in which we create and an attitude that we portray as we send off our creativity into the vast universe with hope that someone will connect and agree to some measure. It's that agreement, the acknowledgement of..."yeah, I get it" to which we all aspire.
I remember being that off the wall kid. I didn't make sense to people. I was counted as odd or not even significant enough to be acknowledged half of the time. I was the "I'll deal with her later" girl or the "she's not special enough" child. Know anyone who fits that bill in your life? Let me give you some advice.
It's those odd kids who will change your life in your later years. They are the ones that will indeed grow up to be your entertainers, musicians, writers and painters. Your actors, your politicians, your world changers and your secret service protection. Creative thinkers go way beyond your typical arts. They change the world.
In one form or another, they are dangerous. Yes, I said DANGEROUS. Right wing and left wing alike have creative people...all trying to prove a point. They scream THIS IS WHAT I THINK LIFE IS ALL ABOUT! This is what is important to ME. This is what I want for MY children, MY community and MY world. Danger is necessary if we are to grasp the adventure and excitement of our living. L-I-V-I-N-G.
I, for one, don't want to walk this earth as a drone. I don't want to live in a little box that is just like my neighbors, nor do I want to exit an educational system that spits me out to do and say as everyone else. My hope is for my son to use his voice, stand with purpose, encourage others and be mentored by men and women of great honor and character. In turn, I want him to grow up to be a man of great character and honor who mentors those coming up behind him. A life cycle that improves the quality of life rather than destroying and allowing so many to shrivel up and die without experiencing the power of their voice. The recognition of their purpose.
The saddest aspect of ignoring those off the wall children is that not only will they grow with a emaciated sense of self, they will not be able to teach other's that they indeed have self-worth as well. When you ignore that child-you ignore HOPE. When you think that child needs psychological help, what they need is to be told their ideas are valid and have purpose....even at 3, 7, 12 and 14 years of age. Whether that odd child goes to university or is paving the road in excruciating heat, they are worth your time, your effort, your encouragement and your leadership.
I think that's what Generation X missed out on the most. We did not have mentors. There was no ushering into the next stage of life. All we heard was the motto: Just Do It. Why do it? Do you hear me? Can you see me? Are you taking the time to stop and listen to me? Here I am? Can you REALLY see, hear and understand me?
Take the time to look that child in the eye today. To make the world wind of business stop for a brief second and hone in on that child's wish to be heard. You may learn something. You may learn what makes them tic. You may also learn a great deal about yourself. Good or bad. Understood or misunderstood...the artist deserves your time. Don't deny them and certainly, don't deny yourself. What an honor and a privilege we have as wielders of time as great elders to our family and community to stop and mentor our kids through healthy self-expression.
Wow... Agreed 100%